Thursday, March 7, 2019

A few upcoming partials...

Several games worth making partials for are coming out this month, will be teaming up with Yugifan3 for all of them. Knights of Messiah (Circle Gyu!) is already done for my part, we are just waiting on Anurabis to finish up translating the skills to post it. Marimo released one this month as well, Signal Forces. It looks like a fairly short one with a small-ish database, so it shouldn't take more than a couple of days for Yugi and I to power through it. Last but not least, there will be a new Shoku game out this month, we plan to make one for it as well.

All three will be available on ulmf in the translations section. Will update here with links when they are ready.

Update: Links are up in the partials section.


  1. Hello! I was wondering if you accept commissions of sorts for your translation work. I'd love to pay to to translate one of my favorite RPGmaker hentai games. You can email me as well :)

  2. Sorry for the late response, haven't been here in a while.
    No, I do not take commissions, sorry. Feel free to make suggestions, though. If I like a game, there's always a chance I would be interested in translating it.
