Q: How do I apply a translation?
A: Depends on the game engine. At this time, I've only done RPGmaker VX Ace and MV games. Yugifan3 made a thread about this on ulmf that explains how to apply one for both of these, it even has pictures if you're not savvy about these things: link

Q: What is a "partial" translation?
A: For mine, this generally means translating menu, items, skills, and sometimes enemy and character names. The goal is simply to make things easier and faster to navigate, and these can usually be done pretty quickly. (1-3 days depending on the game)

Q: Do your translations cost money?
A: NO, I do not paywall any of my work, and don't have any plans to. Patreon etc is just a "tip jar".

Q: What if I want to help, but don't have/don't want to spend any money?
A:  You could: Help bugtest when I release an alpha version, read the documents I include so you don't ask questions that are already answered (I don't mind answering questions, but if they are already answered, it's a waste of time I could be spending translating), spread the word about my work to others who might be interested (but keep in mind this might not be okay in some places due to the content of these games).


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  2. Fallen Princess Lucia Story how much you need to finish just ask whne i cold espect the game
